Business Requirements Documentation

Do you have a document defining what is needed from your AML program to make it successful?

Does it provide technical definitions that are actionable? Does it provide a vision of the target state and can your technical team interpret what is needed? Can a request for information/proposal (RFI/RFP) be created from the requirements document? Finally, does it capture and encapsulate all of your business needs?

As a trusted partner, ARC Risk and Compliance has created dozens of business requirements documents over the years.

Our approach is to work with the business (compliance) and IT departments to bridge the gap between the two. Our extensive experience in developing, implementing/upgrading, false positive reduction, and independent verification and validation/model validation of a broad range of these systems provides us a unique skill set in developing business requirements documentation (BRD) specifically for AML/BSA, OFAC, CDD/KYC, and FinCEN 314(a) programs.

Learn more about this service here